FILM: The Gig Is Up

LØRDAG 29. OKTOBER 2022 KL 20.00

VARIGHET: 1t 28min
+ forsnakk med Kristin Aalen 10 min

A very human tech doc, The Gig is Up uncovers the real costs of the platform economy through the lives of people working for companies around the world, including Uber, Amazon and Deliveroo. App developers lured a massive labor force by promising flexible hours with no offices or bosses-but with gig workers from Uber, Amazon, Lyft and more in front of the camera, the human cost of disruption runs deep. 

From delivering food and driving ride shares to tagging images for AI, millions of people around the world are finding work task by task online. The gig economy is worth over 5 trillion USD globally – and growing. And yet the stories of the workers behind this tech revolution have gone largely neglected.

Who are the people in this shadow workforce? The Gig is Up brings their stories into the light.

Lured by the promise of flexible work hours, independence, and control over time and money, workers from around the world have found a very different reality. Work conditions are often dangerous, pay often changes without notice, and workers can effectively be fired through deactivation or a bad rating.

Through an engaging global cast of characters, The Gig is Up reveals how the magic of technology we are being sold might not be magic at all.

Forsnakk med Kristin Aalen, journalist, filmkritiker og redaktør av i forkant av filmvisningen.

Filmprogrammet er finansiert av Filmkraft - filmsenteret i Rogaland


*Avlyst* Morgenbladetsalongen: Marianne Marthinsen - Den humpete klassereisen


Økonomiske spådommer for et Europa i krig