Kan motvekst redde verden? Med Jason Hickel

FRE 29. OKTOBER 2021 / 17:00 / SØLVBERGET

– Portrett av Jason Hickel og «Less is more. How degrowth will save the world»

Jason Hickel har i sin siste bok tatt utgangspunkt i at verden nå faktisk har våknet til en realitet med klimakrise og økologisk kollaps, og at bare nedvekst eller motvekst gir mening og kan gi endring i tide. Det handler om et nytt syn på naturen og vår plass i den, dominans og utnyttelse må erstattes av gjensidighet og gjenvekst. Hvordan skape det samfunnssystemet som det 21ste århundret trenger?

Hva med jobber? Helse? Utvikling? Jason Hickel behandler alle spørsmålene og tilbyr en positiv og inspirerende visjon for en ny økonomi, som er mer rettferdig, mer omsorgsfull og mye morsommere, mener han. Det handler ikke bare om å finne veien ut av krisene, men også om å reetablere forbindelsen til en verden som summer av liv.

Det viktigste svaret er, som Gunnar Roalkvam sa det i sangen sin: Smått e godt – eller less is more. Ved å kreve mindre vil vi kunne bli til noe mye mer, som er i balanse med naturen og omgivelsene, sier Jason Hickel, og gir bud til KÅKÅnomics på hvordan vi kan få det til.

Med Jason Hickel, økonomisk antropolog og forsker på global ulikhet og politisk økologi, han er professor ved Institute for Environmental Science and Technology i Barcelona og gjesteprofessor ved International Inequalities Institute ved London School of Economics.

Programleder er Ross Ashcroft, filmskaper, kringkaster og gründer, TV-vert for Renegade Inc.

Verter er Kjerstin og Reidun Gjengedal.

«A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times. Jason Hickel takes all we’ve been told about growth and development and turns it inside out, offering instead a radically possible vision of a post-growth future. If you’re looking for transformative ideas, this book is for you.»
– Kate Raworth, economist and author of Doughnut Economics

«It’s a rare political economist who can tease hope from the abundance of data around planetary collapse. But Jason Hickel has done more than that. A manifesto for the future of the planet packed with scholarship, yet as easy to read as a beach novel, a perfect antidote to doomscrolling.»
– Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved


Can Degrowth Save the World? Featuring Jason Hickel

– Portrait of Jason Hickel and «Less is more. How degrowth will save the world»

In his latest book, Jason Hickel has taken as his point of departure the fact that the world has now actually awakened to a reality of climate crisis and ecological collapse, and that only downsizing, or degrowth makes sense and can provide change in time. The book is about a new view of nature and our place in it, dominance and exploitation must be replaced by reciprocity and regrowth. How to create the social system that the 21st century needs?  

What about jobs? Health? Development? Jason Hickel addresses all these questions and offers a positive and inspiring vision for a new economy, which is more fair, more caring and a lot more fun, he believes. It is not just about finding a way out of the crises, but also about re-establishing the connection to a world that is buzzing with life. 

The most important answer is, as Gunnar Roalkvam said in his song: Smått e godt – or less is more. By demanding less, we will be able to become something much more, which is in balance with nature and the surroundings, says Jason Hickel, and offers KÅKÅnomics how we can make this happen.  

Featuring Jason Hickel, an economic anthropologist and researcher on global inequality and political ecology, he is a professor at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology in Barcelona and a visiting professor at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics.

Renegade Host is Ross Ashcroft, filmmaker, broadcaster and entrepreneur, TV host for Renegade Inc.

Local Hosts are Kjerstin and Reidun Gjengedal.

«A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times. Jason Hickel takes all we’ve been told about growth and development and turns it inside out, offering instead a radically possible vision of a post-growth future. If you’re looking for transformative ideas, this book is for you.»

– Kate Raworth, economist and author of Doughnut Economics

«It’s a rare political economist who can tease hope from the abundance of data around planetary collapse. But Jason Hickel has done more than that. A manifesto for the future of the planet packed with scholarship, yet as easy to read as a beach novel, a perfect antidote to doomscrolling.»

– Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved

Link: https://www.jasonhickel.org/less-is-more

The portrait of Jason Hickel and his «Less is more. How degrowth will save the world» is created in collaboration with Renegade Inc in London, KÅKÅnomics’ British collaborative partner. The portraits are created in their studio so that the audience gets an in-depth knowledge to the author, new book, issues and message. The portraits present central international authors and thinkers who publish books that touch on important topics relevant for a Nordic economics festival.


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