Chris Weafer – The Russian Economy and the cost of war

KL 18.00

We are proud to announce that Chris Weafer joins us at this years KÅKÅnomics! Mr. Weafer has up until very recently been working from Moscow in Russia. Christopher Weafer (born in New Zealand) is the founding partner of Macro-Advisory Ltd, an independent macro consultancy which provides macro economic, political and business trend advice for business managers and investors working in Russia, the C.I.S., Iran and across the broader Eurasia region, including Mongolia. This event opens with a key note speech from Mr. Weafer, followed by comments from Cecilie Sendstad, economist and Russia expert at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), and a talk between the two, moderated by Tom Hetland.


Some of the main talking points:

-       The current financial cost of the war and how it is being funded

-       Can Russia avoid a steep economic decline and financial crisis?

-       The impact of sanctions on future economic development

-       Does Russia have alternatives for development or will the gap with the rest of the world grow?


The discussion will also touch upon topics such as:

-       Has Putin broken the social-contract with people and what does this mean for socio-political stability in the future?

-       Can relations with Europe improve? Under what conditions?

-       What might Russia look like in 2030? How has the war changed what had been expected?


Christopher Weafer is the founding partner of Macro-Advisory Ltd, an independent macro consultancy which provides macro economic, political and business trend advice for business managers and investors working in Russia, the C.I.S., Iran and across the broader Eurasia region, including Mongolia. Weafer is also an expert in all aspects of China’s One Belt, One Road transport system and the Indian sponsored North-South Transport Corridor. Weafer has worked in Russia and the CIS/Eurasia region for nineteen years. Most recently Christopher Weafer was voted the best Policy Forecaster for 2016 by Focus Economics. Before leaving to co-found Macro Advisory, Weafer held the position of Chief Strategist at Sberbank-CIB, Russia’s largest bank and one of the biggest banks in Europe. Chris Weafer is the author of a wide variety of published articles about Russia, Central Asia, and the Eurasia region and about macro energy trends. He is widely quoted in the international financial press and appears regularly on, e.g. BBC, CNN International, CNBC, and Bloomberg.


Cecilie Sendstad is an economist and Russia expert at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI).


Tom Hetland is an historian and expert on Russia. Hetland is a journalist, critic and writer, and former editor in chief of the regional newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad.


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