ONSDAG 26. OKTOBER 2022 KL 20.30

Sci-fi economy

«It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism» is a statement that often comes up. Why is that?

In this conversation, we turn towards a genre that is known for imaginings of the future. Because how can we create a better world if we cannot imagine this world? Science fiction literature is often filled with fabrications surrounding technology, but what kind of economic models are these notions built on? And how can we use science fiction as a thought laboratory to explore other, and potentially better, economic systems?  Is there still room to imagine economic, social, and ecological utopias through science fiction, or has our imagination been trapped by technological determinism and dystopias? 

The conversation will be held in English. 


Karl Kristian Swane Bambini, research fellow, Østfold University College 

Alberto Cottica, economist, and founder of The Sci Fi Economics Lab 

Berit Ellingsen, science journalist and author   

Reidun Gjengedal and Kjerstin Gjengedal, Alternative Economics


Konsert: Cloroform


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