FILM: Good Life

TOR 27. OKTOBER 2022 KL 20.00

VARIGHET: 1t 12min
+ forsnakk med Kristin Aalen 10 min

Good Life follows a group of young people at Tech Farm, a co-living start-up in central Stockholm. Here, select entrepreneurs can rent a “sleeping pod” and become part of a lifestyle of nonstop networking and self-management. In a time when we are all expected to be in a constant mode of self-promotion and self-realization, Good Life is a deep look at how the entrepreneurial ideology affects us. What happens when a corporate narrative becomes part of your inner self and community becomes a business model?

The directors Marta Dauliūtė and Viktorija Šiaulytė have gained unique access to this startup environment whose culture, perhaps more than anything else, influences society right now, but that seldom opens its doors to scrutiny beyond polished social media postings and marketing slogans. By equipping the residents with action cameras, the filmmakers have created a rare and intimate material. These raw point-of-view sequences are contrasted with the 3D animations used by the company to convey the corporate vision, the filmmakers’ own 3D interpretations, everyday scenes in the co-living house and interviews with financiers and residents. With candor, wit and earnestness, Good Life portrays the chafings of the entrepreneurial dream.

“As a filmmaker you often become a kind of involuntary entrepreneur, and the insecurity and economic precariousness is a harsh reality you need to deal with. At the same time there is this other group from the same generation as us that embraces entrepreneurship as the ultimate empowerment. With this film we want to deepdive into the startup culture that provokes us with its neoliberal rationality, but at the same time we want to challenge ourselves to see how much of this lifestyle we ourselves accept and perpetuate.”

Forsnakk med Kristin Aalen, journalist, filmkritiker og redaktør av i forkant av filmvisningen.

Filmprogrammet er finansiert av Filmkraft - filmsenteret i Rogaland


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