Sexual harassment and gender inequality in the labour market
FRE 28. OKTOBER 2022
KL 19.30
KÅKÅ|nomics presents new and sensational research from Johanna Rickne, published in top international scientific journals, which shows that sexual harassment can aide in explaining gender segregation and persistent gender differences in wages in the labour market.
The study uses extensive data from Sweden and documents the following:
- Those who are the gender minority in their workplace experience more sexual harassment than those that are the majority. This applies to both women and men.
- In high-paid workplaces (which are dominated by men), women have a higher risk than men of experiencing sexual harassment, and the reverse is true in low-paid workplaces (which are dominated by women).
- Both women and men are willing to accept significantly lower wages to avoid working in a workplace where sexual harassment has taken place, especially if someone of the same gender was harassed.
- Sexual harassment increases the likelihood that an employee will change jobs. A new job is then chosen to a greater extent in a workplace that is dominated by the same sex. This leads to increased gender segregation.
Johanna Rickne will present findings from the research, before a subsequent panel discussion with, among others, Eva Grinde, under expert guidance of presenter Mari Rege.
The conversation will be held in English.
- Johanna Rickne, professor of national economy at SOFI, Stockholm university, researching, among other things, gender differences in the workforce and in politics. Rickne is also a visiting professor of economy at Nottingham University. CEOR Fellow, Wallenberg Academy Fellow, and visiting researcher at IZA and at the Stockholm China Economic Research Center.
- Eva Grinde, economic commentator, and journalist at Dagens Næringsliv
- Julie Riise, professor Department of Economics at UiB
Presenter: Mari Rege, professor of economy at the University of Stavanger Business School.a